Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Unacceptable Generic Remote Proofreading

Seriously! Someone didn't notice that the button was labelled "METU"?

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Unacceptable Pet Behavior

Extremely Unacceptable Parking

When Adam and I were moving into the house on Highland Ave, we parked his parents' suburban on the street with a trailer full of furniture. After taking the first load of boxes into the house, we came back outside to discover the situation in the picture. Please note that the trailer is slam full of furniture.

Unacceptable User Interface

This beautiful user interface was recently linked to from Daring Fireball.

Unacceptable Parking

This picture was taken by my friend, Zeynep, in Washington DC. Totally Unacceptable. This, friends, is the flagship for the Unacceptable blog.